1 in 4 children will be treated in Florida’s four nonprofit, specialty-licensed children’s hospitals.

Florida’s Specialty Hospitals for Children are the only four hospitals with a specialty-license designation by the state and the only Florida hospitals that solely provide and invest in care for children.
We are committed to ensuring every Florida child has access to the world-class, specialized care they need.
Our Story
Our hospitals are uniquely designated to care for the most complex medical diagnoses. Year after year, we continue to expand our services and stay at the leading edge of pediatric treatment and research.
And we ensure that all children can access this care, regardless of their needs or socioeconomic status. The children we treat have the most critical illnesses and injuries, and we are often their only option for care with Medicaid representing 50-70 percent of our patients. Our hospitals are ranked as the top four hospitals in the state with the highest Medicaid utilization rates.
Our Hospitals

Critical Impact
Florida’s Specialty Hospitals for Children are driving the future of Florida’s children’s health care. We provide an economic advantage to Florida with the recruitment, training and retention of highly skilled, highly specialized pediatric care professionals.
Supporting children’s health is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes a significant impact on the future of our state and its economic vitality.

News & Updates
Florida’s Specialty Hospitals for Children Thank Governor Ron DeSantis for Recognizing Florida’s Specialty-Licensed Children’s Hospitals in Framework for Freedom Budget
$85 Million in State Funding Will Help Ensure All Children Can Continue to Access the World-Class, Specialized Pediatric Care They Need